W Paryżu organizowana jest wystawa "150 Pocket and Table sundials" (oryginalne info po angielsku niżej). Będzie ona trwała przez miesiąc od 17.12 do 19.01.2014. Warto przewinąć stronę, by zobaczyć parę zdjęć.
We are antique dealers located in the Louvre des Antiquaires in Paris since 1978, specialized in several specialities including marine and sciences objects. We participated to the "TEFAF" in Maastricht this year and also to the Paris "Biennales des Antiquaires", and we are special Partner of the French Maritime Museum in Paris.
We are currently organizing an exhibition on "150 Pocket and Table sundials", unique and hardly done in the past (please find attached a file and a small part of the objects which will be presented) in our gallery between the 17th of December 2013 and the 19th of January 2014.
You shall find some more information on the following links (English website) : http://www.delalande-antiques.com/exhib ... als-paris/ and also on our French website (different photos of sundials) : http://www.antiquites-delalande.fr/expo ... res-poche/
We shall be very happy to receive you in Paris if you could come during our exhibition, do not hesitate to transfer this email to people (museums, collectors, associations,...) who might be interested to discover some fantastic sundials.
Thank you in advance for your return.
Kindest regards,
Eric with Dominique and Anna Delalande.
Louvre des Antiquaires
2, Place du Palais-Royal
75001 Paris - France
Tél./fax: + 33 1 42 60 19 35
Administrateur et Expert (Marine, Tabacologie et Opium) auprès de la C.N.E. (Compagnie Nationale des Experts) // Administrator and Expert (Marine, Tobacco and Opium) at the "National Expert Company". Partenaire exclusif de l'Association des Amis du Musée de la Marine et d'Amerami // Exclusive partner of the French Maritime Museum associations.